Your Return To Land
Healthy Animals, Healthy Land, Healthy People
and the Interconnection between them
Consulting – Holistic Land Management
We offer consulting, using holistic management principles – starting with defining your holistic context – these are the things that really matter to you, not just your operation. We ask you questions to clearly define your goals including family time, financial success, and connection to community. Your life priorities should drive your operation not the operation. All too often ranching and farming consumes the owners to a point that they are not enjoying life, not profitable and don’t have satisfied family members or employees. Once we start with the context of what is really important to you, we can then define the paths to accomplish your goals.
Education – Workshops, Field Days, Resources

We offer workshops on-site, in the field, and in the classroom. We provide a variety of relevant resources to excite you about your forward path. The educational material is diverse, to include but not limited to, material about holistic management, healthy living, bison, nutritional information and ways to make our planet heathier.
Additionally, we will be developing programs to allow you to be part of a community that can come together monthly or quarterly to share your experiences and challenges. We welcome your input in creating these programs to meet your needs effectively.
Pam conducted a safe-to-fail, low-risk, low-cost experiment on a 50’x50’ area beginning in October 2021 and documentation of the results are in process. The results, comprised of videos, photos and graphs, will be available soon. If anyone is interested in assisting with the creation of this documentation, contact us at [email protected].
Holistic Planned Grazing and Ecological Monitoring
Mother Cabrini Shrine – 20189 Cabrini Blvd, Golden, Colorado 80401 May 19 – May 24 with a bonus afternoon on May 24thJoin us for a Regenerative Agriculture Workshop dedicated to holistic planned grazing techniques and ecological monitoring. This workshop provides you with proven results for: Increase grass productivity, stocking rates, and crop yields and improve livestock health, increase biodiversity, and even mitigate floods, drought.
Click to Register and learn more about this upcoming course.
Holistic Financial Planning and Holistic Land Planning
Mother Cabrini – 20189 Cabrini Blvd, Golden, Colorado 80401 November 10-15, 2025 (this may be moved to September 15-19, 2025) Stay Tuned.Join us for a Regenerative Agriculture Workshop dedicated to holistic financial planning and holistic land planning. This workshop will provide you with proven results to increase your profit, improve your quality of life and improve the health of your land and its productivity. You will learn a simple-to-use, cash-based planning process, decision-making tools and create a long-term infrastructure development plan which can generate enduring wealth from the land while improving your life.
Success Circles
March, June, Sept, Dec 2025
Are you a food producer; a farmer, rancher or gardener? Do you love land and have dreams? Whatever your endeavor, what does “Success” mean to you and how will you achieve it? Using the Savory Holistic Context Model, our Success Circles offer group exploration and support for each member’s success. We need every light to shine!
These small groups have proved to be invaluable for members, as everyone sets goals, designs strategies to realize these dreams, and sets achievable goals. The group offers a supportive team for brainstorming, support and accountability, helping all members reach their individual successes.
Two Success Circles are offered, one on Tuesday morning, the second on Thursday evening. Groups meet for 90-minute Zoom calls quarterly – March, June, September and December. The first group meets the second Tuesday of the month at 10:00 am MST, the second group meets the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm MST. Additional meetings are possible, based on group demand, which can offer in-person gatherings and guest speakers. Individual meetings are possible, although you are encouraged to consider a year commitment for maximum benefit.
Success Circles are an amazing experience so don’t miss out! We hope you’ll stay all year!
Click here to see our calendar and register.
Full Day Introduction to Holistic Management
March 22, 2025
Mother Cabrini Shrine – 20189 Cabrini Blvd, Golden, Colorado 80401
Come learn about the fundamental of Holistic Management. We will discuss the various principles such as the ecosystem processes, the practices and success stories. You will learn about a Holistic Context and you will begin developing your goals for success. We will go out to the land to see some of the results of the Holistic Management work being done. Lunch Included.
Click Here for More Information and to Register
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Volunteer Days
Mother Cabrini Shrine – 20189 Cabrini Blvd, Golden, Colorado 80401
Just outside the Denver Metro Area lie 400 acres of beautiful Colorado ranch land and Volunteer Days offer a unique opportunity to contribute to regeneration of this beautiful grassland. As an extension of the Mother Cabrini Shrine, this property is both historically rich and a showcase of the power of regenerative practices to restore and support long term land and micro-climate health.
After careful assessment and research, we are preparing to rotate cattle through 20-40 acre pastures as we restore vitality. You can be a part of this amazing project through Volunteer Days.
Each day will be different and there is something for everyone! On any given day, opportunities will range from very simple (take photos, pick up trash) to more complex (build or repair a fence). Come experience behind-the-scenes of Colorado ranching and make a difference in healing our land. No contribution is too small and for more unique tasks we’ll offer on-site training. After a working morning, lunch will be provided. Come join us! This is a fabulous way to learn about regenerative or holistic land management and practices and make a meaningful difference in our local community and environment. Meet fabulous people and enjoy a rewarding experience.
Stay Tuned for 2025 Volunteer Days. If interested in volunteering on a regular basis, contact [email protected]
Click Here To See Our Full Calendar
Mother Cabrini – 20189 Cabrini Blvd, Golden, Colorado 80401 Dates TBD We will be announcing this soon.Have you ever seen bison up close? These awe-inspiring animals are our Great Plains ancestors, they sustained delicate land balance and Native American tribes for centuries. A full grown healthy male bison weighs almost as much as a small car and can leap 6 feet in the air. Would you like to meet one? We’re going to spend a few days living on a bison ranch with these amazing animals. Over 3 days, we will learn about the bison and about regenerative (also known as holistic) land management. There’s also nothing like a bison to add power to your dreams for your best life! In between, we will share stories, watch and discuss related movies, and eat great food. Here’s the general schedule:
Day 1 – Arrive, meet and greet, watch a movie, discuss what enlivens you.
Day 2 – Visit Regenerative Ranch #1 in the morning. After lunch visit ranch #2. Enjoy a great dinner, watch another movie and discuss what you noticed.
Day 3 – Wrap up & set goals! This is an opportunity you don’t want to miss!
Let me know if you would like to join the waitlist and be notified when this event becomes scheduled.
Email: [email protected]
Community – Interconnection between healthy lands, healthy animals and healthy people
Holistic management is about the whole – how a single action affects the whole. For those who desire an improved living environment, healthier food and a great desire to make the planet a better place – let’s connect. We offer quarterly discussion groups focused on what we, as individuals and a community, can do to improve our lives and the lives of those around us. We offer one-on-one coaching and strategic planning focused on finding your passion. Our guiding principles include a sense of curiosity, passion, inter-connection with a spiritual overarch. We welcome the opportunity to work with you. Stay tuned for more details. In the meantime, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Pam is the Founder and CEO of Your Return To Land.
Pam is a lifelong learner with a keen curiousity and passion to improve life for all. She finds her peace being on land, connecting to it, listening and observing it and all that surrounds it.
While completing a career as a geodetic engineer she sought ways to find and shine her light. Along the way, she discovered bison light her up, and have led her on the path of discovering her true passion – restoring the land through holistic management.
Pam has been a consultant to Mother Cabrini Shrine for more than a year, implementing both rotational grazing and a safe-to-fail-test. Most recently, the Women In NRCS conducted a tour of the land at the Soil and Water Conservation Conference and Holistic Management International is holding an Open Field Day Workshop on November 15.
Stay tuned for more details. In the meantime, reach out to us at [email protected].